De’s Thoughts

Life…The Interruption of Everything

47 Things About My Hubby

Okay, I’ve been up for 23 hours and 29 minutes…but whose counting? David worked last night as planned. I’ve been up since 2:00pm yesterday and wasn’t planning on working when I got a phone call about 7:30pm begging me to come in as they were two nurses short. And since I was feeling in a charitable mood, I did. Why not? Extra moolah. Okay so now it might not seem like a wise idea right? Hubby is sleeping. He’ll get up in a little bit and let me have my turn so Caleb won’t be up all by himself all day. But in the meantime I’ve been reading journals and I came across this entry by Dawn over at Carpe Diem called “42 Things About Hubby” (see her sidebar) and decided to give it a whirl…so here goes nothing:
47 Things about my Hubby (one for each year)…

1. He is the oldest child of 4.
2. He is the smartest person I know.
3. He is the one person I would want to be trying to save my life if I were dying.
4. He can be stubborn, but will still to listen to your point of view.
5. He may not always agree with me but will always defend me fiercely to others.
6. He will go completely out of his way to buy me a cup of coffee.
7. He will try and spend way too much money on me if I let him.
8. He spoils “The Boy” horribly, but loves him even more.
9. He wishes Hannah were his daughter, and treats her as if she was.
10. He often dreams of his three oldest children all coming around again.
11. He still cries about his baby that died 24 years ago, as if it were today.
12. He has had more tragedy in his life than most people have in a lifetime.
13. He would give you the shirt off his back if you asked, but don’t steal it.
14. He believes that every ounce of respect is earned, not given.
15. He strongly believes that you should treat others as you want to be treated in turn.
16. He moved out & supported himself when he was 16, and had a 4.0.
17. He graduated high school when he was 17 and started his own company.
18. He broke his back when he was 23 and was told he would never walk again.
19. He is walking today because “I did everything the doctors told me not to do”
20. He idolized his Uncle Jack and dreamed of becoming a doctor like him.
21. Breaking his back is what got him back into school and eventually med school.
22. He started smoking when he was 13, and quit when he was 24.
23. It took him a whole year to quit smoking.
24. He played football in college at Oklahoma State University for Jimmy Johnson.
25. He played semi-pro arena football for the Oklahoma Wranglers while in med school.
26. He was on the high school wrestling team.
27. He has two black belts, one in Aikido, and the other in Tae Kwon Do.
28. He ran both the New York and the Los Angeles Marathons in one year.
29. He has won many triathlons for his age group over the years.
30. He did the “Hotter Than Hell” Triathlon and lived to tell about it.
31. He is always reading self-motivation and improvement books.
32. He will watch HGTV and American Idol with me and actually enjoy it, I think.
33. He is an avid hockey fan and loves to play it more than watching it.
34. He is extremely romantic, which makes up for me not being so.
35. He doesn’t rag me about being on the computer all day.
36. He doesn’t mind that I am not the best housewife or cook.
37. He’d rather hang out with Caleb than sleep.
38. He loves my BMW more than I do.
39. He really wants a Hummer even more.
40. He is a total “guy” when it comes to his music.
41. He doesn’t mind that I want to work when he thinks I don’t need to.
42. He sings very well.
43. He is a very talented artist and has sold his work.
44. He always talks about reading the “The Big Honey Hunt” to his children.
45. He loves dessert.
46. He loves Caleb, Hannah, Lauren, Stephanie, and DJ.
47. And, most of all, he loves me and tells me so everyday…and means it.

I do believe I’m going to get some sleep. Have a great Saturday!

De 😉

March 3, 2007 Posted by | Things About My Hubby | 1 Comment